Rycom’s Corporate Social Responsibility - Rycom
waste gas collection system of Rycom

Waste Gas Collection & Disposal

By installing specialized pipes in every corner of the factory, we make sure that no waste gas was released.

Every breath of air at Rycom is as fresh as in nature. We care about our customers' health, as well as our employee's.

sewage disposal system of Rycom

Sewage Disposal System

We had built our own environmentally friendly sewage disposal system, fully aware of the importance of protecting the environment.

Business should not be all about profit, it should rather be our path to sustainable development. There is no planet B and we are acting right now.

production wastes

Production Waste

All the wastes generated in the production process will not be directly released into the water or dumped in the landfill.

We make sure that not one inch of the land we are standing on is contaminated by us.

People First

Rycom is the factory that values every employee's contribution to our achievement.

It is our belief that perfect products come from perfect workers.

We thrive on providing a comfortable environment for our workers and training and facilitating them with professional knowledge.

an employee working with satisfying smile

Rycom Profile

A professional, innovative and reliable thermometer supplier.


Rycom History

A long and promising way we've been moving forward.